Public Consultations in Perekeshkul

According to an executive agreement signed between the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and international Power and Water Developer ACWA Power on January 9, 2020, a 240 MW wind power project will be developed and built in the mountainous part of Perekishkul and Sitalchay villages of Absheron and Khizi regions, respectively. Part of this capacity, total of 17 turbines, will be installed on a 10 km long mountain range near the village of Perekeshkul. The location of the project is shown in the map below:

The wind farm will be part of Azerbaijan’s energy system and will contribute to the further diversification of the economy, giving a new impetus to the sustainable development of the country.

ACWA Power is seeking project financing from International Financial Institutions (IFIs) who require projects to comply with the World Bank/IFC standards and assess environmental and social issues to esnure that the project minimises any environemntal/social impacts and identfies suitable mtigatiion measures. 5 Capitals Environmental and Management Consultancy and the local consulatnts Ecoenergy Ltd. (Ecoenergy), have been appointed by ACWA Power to carry out the Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for the Project to gain regulatory approval and project financing, Therefore, as part of the ESIA process and in line with international lender requirments, ACWA Power is consulting with relevant stakeholders to inform them of the planned Project and to receive any feedback or comments in regard to this Project (such as constructtion or operational impacts on the natural environment and local communities. – including land use, soil and water quality, noise, ecology, archaeology, to be assessed in the ESIA study). We would therefore welcome any comments or feedback you may have in regard to the proposed Project through the following:

Email: Phone number: +994 (50) 367-32-00 Website: